NleH1, NleH2 and OspG are highly conserved T3SS effectors. These effectors possess a conserved kinase domain. NleH1 and NleH2 are found in both enteropathogenic E. coli. These effectors possess a Ser/Thr kinase domain and a PDZ-binding motif, and their main role is to block apoptosis during infection [PMID: 22123833]. OspG is secreted by pathogenic Shigella flexneri. It is known to target and regulate the host innate immune system, specifically the NF-κB signaling pathway, which plays a crucial role in inflammatory and immune responses [PMID: 29777720].
phmmer: 0.0001; database: nr; sequence_cutoff: 100aa; clustering: cdhit: 90%; catalytic residues: based on - collapsed family logo, PDB (4LRK), PMID: 24373767