LegK7, also known as Legionella kinase 7, is a protein kinase enzyme produced by the bacterium Legionella pneumophila, the causative agent of Legionnaires' disease. LegK7 is one of the several effector proteins secreted by Legionella into host cells during infection. LegK7 phosphorylates the host MOB1 protein to exploit the Hippo pathway. Binding to MOB1 induces a reorientation of LegK7's two lobes within the kinase domain, as well as a structural change in the interlobe hinge region. This leads to a reshaping of the LegK7 structure into a closed conformation that is capable of binding ATP [PMID: 33309852].
phmmer: 0.0001; database: nr; sequence_cutoff: 100aa; clustering: cdhit: 90%; catalytic residues: based on - collapsed family logo, PDB (7BYK), PMID: 30212651