Haspin kinase belongs to the serine/threonine protein kinase family. Haspin kinase contains a conserved haspin-like kinase domain, which is responsible for its kinase activity and substrate specificity. The function of Haspin kinase was first discovered in spermatogenesis, where it is essential for the proper formation of the haploid germ cell nuclei. Subsequent studies showed that Haspin kinase is also involved in mitosis and meiosis in somatic cells [PMID: 12737306, PMID: 12737306].
phmmer: 0.0001; database: nr; sequence_cutoff: 100aa; clustering: cdhit: 90%; catalytic residues: based on - collapsed family logo, 3D structure model, PDB (2VUW), FATCAT structural pairwise alignment with 2VUW, 1ATP, PMID: 19918057