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KINtaro Database



The Sim4 complex is a constitutive kinetochore protein complex in fission yeast that functions as a loading dock for the transiently associated DASH complex required for precise chromosome segregation during mitosis. The complex consists of several different proteins including Ftas 1-7 and Dad1, with FTA2 being a subunit of the complex that shares homology with protein kinases. The higher eukaryotic equivalent of the Sim4 complex is CENP-P. In mammals, centromere identity is epigenetically determined, with CENP-A nucleosomes assembling an array of nucleosomes that directly recruit a proximal CENP-A nucleosome associated complex (NAC) comprised of CENP-M, CENP-N, and CENP-T, CENP-U(50), CENP-C, and CENP-H. Additionally, there are seven other subunits that make up the CENP-A-nucleosome distal (CAD) centromere, including CENP-K, CENP-L, CENP-O, CENP-P, CENP-Q, CENP-R, and CENP-S, that assemble on the CENP-A NAC [PMID: 16079914, PMID: 28235947].


phmmer: 0.0001; database: nr; sequence_cutoff: 100aa; clustering: cdhit: 90%; catalytic residues (predicted only): based on - collapsed family logo, 3D structure model, HHpred, FATCAT structural pairwise alignment with 1ATP, 6PWD and 1O6Y

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